Eye Conditions Likely to Blur Your Visual Field

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Since Dr. Wolchok established his practice in ophthalmology in Jacksonville, FL, his patients enjoy comprehensive eye care using the latest technology to diagnose and treat eye conditions. Your eyes depend on tears to moisturize your eyes adequately. When your tear system has a deficiency or a malfunction that causes your tears to evaporate rapidly, you may experience pain and a gritty, burning sensation that might be accompanied by itching, redness, and blurry vision. Your eyes age with your body. However, your doctor may help you navigate the changes with special treatment, helping you maintain a clear vision and excellent eye health for the following conditions.

Eye floaters

Floaters appear in your eye as flecks drifting in your field of vision. Though they are annoying, floaters should not hinder your sight or cause you discomfort. The spots vary in size. While it may be hard to note the finer flecks, large ones stand out, casting a shadow on your visual field in specific lights, especially bright light. Floaters are tiny collagen specks found at the back of your eyes as part of the vitreous. The protein fibers that form your vitreous shrink as you age, forcing the shreds to clamp together, casting a shadow (floaters) over your retina. Though your eyes may start having these changes at any time, you are likely to have them between the ages of 50 and 75, especially if you had cataract surgery or are nearsighted. Do not be hesitant to contact your ophthalmologist when your floaters dramatically change or start experiencing flashes.

Most floaters may not need medical intervention though adjusting to the tiny flecks may take time. Once you learn to cope with them, you may less often notice them. However, in the rare event that floaters blur your vision, your doctor may recommend a surgical procedure to remove your vitreous or use laser energy to disrupt the annoying floaters.

Dry eyes

Having dry eyes can make you uncomfortable. You are likely to experience a burning or stinging sensation when your eyes are dry. The condition mainly happens when your tears fail to lubricate your eyes adequately. Your tears may be unstable or inadequate for various reasons, including decreased tear production and an increase in tear evaporation.

If your condition is mild or happens occasionally, your doctor may recommend eye drops. However, the health provider may suggest an advanced treatment when you have persistent severe symptoms. The treatment option your care provider may choose depends on your treatment’s goal. While some treatments may help reverse or help you manage your condition or its underlying factors, others aim at improving your tear quality or control your tears’ rapid evaporation.

The health expert may also suggest the following suggestions:

·         Maintain clean eyes

·         Get enough sleep to help rest your eyes

·         Take off your contact lenses (suppose you wear them) and use glasses to rest your eyes.

·         If you are using a computer, make sure the screen is at your level to prevent straining your eyes. Additionally, take breaks from staring at your computer screen.

Though aging of your eyes is inevitable, you can still maintain a clear vision through life changes. Schedule an appointment with your ophthalmologist today to know how best to care for your eyes.