What you should know about mental health

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Emotional and psychological issues play a significant role in the quality of your life. You and your health caregiver determine how stable your mental health is. That is why San Pedro mental health offers compassionate psychotherapy to the patient of that area and the surrounding. The mental health specialist helps resolve anxiety, depression, and other issues for happier, more fulfilling lives.

What is psychotherapy?

Psychotherapy is a term that is used to define different types of therapies used to treat mental issues.  Mental issues include:

  1. Anxiety disorders

Anxiety disorder is a mental illness group that includes social phobias, specific phobias, panic disorder, obsessive disorder, compulsive disorder, and post-traumatic disorder. If left untreated, an anxiety disorder can cause impairment in your daily activities. The symptoms of an anxiety disorder include:

  • Fears or thought that is constant
  • Distressing
  • Panic attacks
  • Physical anxiety reactions
  • Avoidance behavior

Recovery from this condition is possible if you look for the right treatment. The team will include effective treatment therapies like cognitive behavioral therapy, exposure therapy, anxiety management, and medication such as an antidepressant at the clinic.

  1. Depression

Depression is a form of a mental disorder characterized by lowering mood, loss of concern, and lack of energy. The below are symptoms or feelings that are caused by depression.

  • Constant sadness
  • Feeling miserable
  • Being unhappy
  • Feeling overwhelmed
  • Irritable
  • Getting frustrated
  • Feeling disappointed
  • Losing confidence

The exact cause of depression is unknown, but many things are suspected to be the genesis of depression. Depression results from a combination of biological, psychological, social, and lifestyle factors. Some of the examples of depression include:

  • Psychotic depression: This disorder causes people to lose touch with reality. This can cause hallucinations or delusions.
  • Antenatal and postnatal depression– This depressive disorder is associated with women during pregnancy.
  • Manic depression– They are also referred to as bipolar disorder. A person suffering from this type of depression experiences periods of depression, mania, and everyday moods in between.

Depression can be treated and managed. Right psychotherapy treatment will be vital in managing these disorders.

  1. Eating disorder

An eating disorder is a severe mental illness that affects people of all ages. Young women are at a higher risk of contracting an eating disorder. The common symptoms of an eating disorder include:

  • Weight loss, weight gain, and weight fluctuations
  • Sensitivity to cold
  • Anxiety or depression
  • Social withdrawal
  • Loss of appetite

  Increased mood changes and irritability

Eating disorders are caused by a combination of social, psychological, and biological factors. Getting professional help is very important. The recovery from this disorder may be slow, but with a proper management plan that includes approaching food more positively and evaluating your behavior’s underlying cause.  This disorder affects you mentally and physically. Involving health professionals such as dieticians, psychiatrists, dentists, and psychologists will be key to finding the right treatment approach.

To learn more about the above and other mental illnesses, please schedule an appointment at the clinic by calling or using their online tools.

Hemant Kumar

Hemant Kumar is a project manager at Tridindia with more than nine years of commendable experience in writing about LMS, translation, and IT. His unmatched talent and passion for digital marketing gave him the opportunity to work as a multi-tasking project manager at TridIndia’s sister company, Link Building Corp. Today, he contributes to the world by imparting knowledge on SEO, link building and internet marketing etc., that helps business owners grow their online business.