What Can You Expect from IBPS PO Syllabus for 2021?

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  • What Can You Expect from IBPS PO Syllabus for 2021?

Aspiring candidates all over the country wait every year to take the IBPS PO Examination. The exam is challenging and highly competitive; hence, candidates must have a good grasp of the process it takes to crack the examination successfully. Understanding the IBPS PO Syllabus is an essential part of the process. 

Each year, the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection determines which topics will be covered under the examination. However, these topics may change every year as there is no set syllabus for the exam. Therefore, candidates need to have well-rounded knowledge to clear the exam successfully.

Understanding the IBPS PO Syllabus

To clear any competitive exam, one needs to be strategic and economical with one’s time. Identifying which topics fetch more marks and which sections are easier to get through can help a candidate score well and manage time efficiently. 

Keep in mind that there are three stages that candidates need to clear: the preliminary examination, the main examination, and finally, the interview round. Each candidate needs to score above a specific cut-off to qualify for the next round. And maintain an overall qualifying score to be shortlisted for the interview round.

The IBPS PO Prelims Syllabus

Topics for the Preliminary Examination include the understanding of English Language, Reasoning Ability, and Quantitative Aptitude. The exam duration is one hour, and the candidate has to answer 100 Multiple Choice Questions. The preliminary examination’s primary purpose is to determine the candidate’s suitability to be selected as a probationary officer.

For each section, the topics covered are:

  1. English Language: This section tests the candidate’s vocabulary and grasp of grammar. Reading English newspapers and text can help candidates secure more marks.
  2. Reasoning Ability: For this section, candidates need to hone their in-depth understanding of logic and theories.
  3. Quantitative Aptitude: Daily practice can help candidates score well in this section. To do well, candidates need to remember formulas, shortcuts, and the general logic behind solving each problem.

The IBPS PO Mains Syllabus:

Candidates clearing the prelims will be eligible for the IBPS Mains Examination. For the mains, four topics are covered: English Language, Data Analysis and Interpretation, Reasoning and Computer Aptitude, and finally, General, Economic and Banking Awareness. Candidates who successfully pass this round will qualify for the interview stage.

The main examination is split into two parts: Objective and Descriptive. The objective paper consists of 155 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ), which are to be completed in three hours. For the descriptive paper, the topic covered is the ‘English Language’, and the candidates must write a letter and an essay for this paper in 30 minutes.

The topics covered under the four sections are:

  1. English Language: For the mains, the topics covered are the same as the prelims.
  2. Data Analysis and Interpretation: Same as that covered under the Quantitative Aptitude section in the preliminary exam, with the addition of:
  1. Age
  2. Mixtures and Allegations
  3. Number System
  4. Linear Equation
  1. Reasoning and Computer Aptitude: Same as that covered under the Reasoning Aptitude section for the prelims, with the addition of:
  1. Coding and Decoding
  2. Microsoft Office
  3. Internet
  4. Operating Systems
  5. Computer Hardware
  6. Computer Software
  7. Keyboard Shortcuts
  8. Memory
  9. Computer Abbreviations
  10. Computer Fundamentals and Technologies
  11. Networking
  1. General Economy and Banking Awareness: It includes topics under Current Affairs, Financial Awareness and Economic News.

The descriptive paper will only be assessed if the candidates score qualifying marks for the objective paper.

Understanding the syllabus for the IBPS PO examination is crucial for candidates to know how they should prepare. Qualifying for the Prelims and Mains with excellent marks is only possible with diligent practice. 

While the marks secured during the prelims round do not add to the overall score, it helps prepare for the main examination, which increases the chances of qualifying for the Interview Stage.