TMD Treatment Tips to Help Relieve Jaw Pain

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Eating is an essential part of human living, and you will need the help of your teeth to chew. However, all your efforts to stay healthy through observing a proper diet can come under attack if you have Temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMD). This condition can make you feel pain when eating or talking to those who matter to you most, you can also realize this condition with clicking sounds that arise whenever you want to talk to someone. However, with a Commack TMJ/TMD expert, you can get quick relief for your issue leading to a more comfortable life.

What Troubles Can Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMD) Get You?

The condition attacks a joint located beneath the ear that aids in the movement of your mouth. The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) controls most facial movements emanating from the mouth. Therefore, when you have an issue with the joints, you might lose the full ability to chew, bite, speak, or even do the most basic things with your mouth. The pain and tenderness ushered in by the bone can also make you unable to speak to those who matter to you. Various conditions put you at risk of this problem that you may want to avoid, a few are listed below:

  • Genetics
  • Jaw misalignment
  • Arthritis
  • Trauma
  • Chronic teeth clenching
  • Chronic teeth grinding

TMD can also affect you when you choose to follow a poor oral lifestyle. For instance,  poor posture may become a reason for your problem. Additionally, poor eating behaviors such as chewing with your gums may develop into TMD. However, you can find a safe and effective way to deal with TMD with the services of Chase Dental Sleepcare.

What Dental Symptoms Point That You Might Have TMD?

The condition’s symptoms vary for each individual, and your issue might differ from that of another person. The most common symptoms to look out for include:

  • Chronic migraine
  • Difficulty chewing
  • Jaw pain
  • Locking of the jaw
  • Facial pain
  • Headaches
  • Pain around your ear region
  • Soreness in your jaws

These symptoms can significantly influence your lifestyle and you might find little joy in doing things like talking or eating. Without early intervention, you might lose the ability to shut or open your mouth entirely.

How Can a Doctor Treat Your TMD?

Your doctor will begin the treatment with a complete assessment of your situation to determine the extent of the problem. You might need various oral exams to check your jaws to determine the extent they can move. Your doctor will also check for other signs such as tenderness before treatment.

One of the best ways to treat the problems involves conservative care that uses little surgery. You will receive various medications that treat the symptoms and be recommended to soft foods that can help you gradually relieve the issue.

Take back control of your eating with TMD treatments offered at Chase Dental Sleepcare. To find out whether conventional treatment methods are suitable for you, call or schedule an appointment online with your doctor.