Why should you Consider hiring a Criminal Defense Lawyer 

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  • Why should you Consider hiring a Criminal Defense Lawyer 

Have you been facing serious penalties? Are you facing jail time or prison? Rest assured to hire the Law Office of Matthew V. Portella, LLC to represent you in the court of law. Rest assured all criminal cases are different. Therefore, the initial aspect to determine would be to look for the best criminal defense lawyer competent to consider the aspects to be used for removing any charges associated with the alleged crime. It would be an important aspect to consider when hiring the services of a criminal defense lawyer. 

A criminal defense lawyer should work to reduce the sentence with deals or plea bargains. To get a reduced sentence, your criminal defense lawyer should assist in negotiating a deal or plea bargain with the prosecutor. In a majority of cases, it would help reduce the sentence. However, in the other cases, it could also help eliminate some or all the charges against you. In the event the court finds you guilty of charges, the criminal defense lawyer should help negotiate rehabilitation program is not a lesser time served. It would help you save from winding up in the criminal justice system again. 

When discussing your case with the criminal defense lawyer, rest assured to seek the best advice for reducing your sentence. At times, pleading guilty could result in having a relatively shorter sentence. Your criminal defense lawyer should also help you provide emotional assistance. He or she may not be a therapist, but the criminal defense lawyer should help you deal with the emotions accompanying the criminal trials. The criminal defense lawyer would help explain the realities of the legal system. It would also be helpful in discussing what you could be up against during the trial. The criminal defense lawyer would help you navigate through the system.