Common Myths About Varicose Veins That You Should Not Believe

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  • Common Myths About Varicose Veins That You Should Not Believe

So many people have experienced or are experiencing varicose veins. These often unsightly blue vessels are bound to be in people’s minds and for a good reason. Not only can they be a source of embarrassment, but they can also come with a lot of pain. For some people who have severe varicose veins, it can cause skin damage and sometimes blood clots. Whether you are only starting to notice the first signs or your veins are more advanced, there is a lot of information out there that can lead you in the wrong direction. As such, if you have varicose veins in Bakersfield, you have to know that myths are bound to pop surrounding this disease.

Remember, the internet can be a powerful source of information, but it can also be quite misleading, especially when self-diagnosing. As such, we will bust some of the most common myths associated with varicose veins to allow you to make the right decisions concerning your health. Take a look!

Varicose veins are only cosmetic

While there is a cosmetic concern about varicose veins, that is not the only thing you need to be worried about. It is true that the veins will be visible on your legs and may make it uncomfortable to wear short clothes. However, these varicose veins have an impact on your health as well. They can be pretty uncomfortable or painful, can cause swelling, change your skin color, increase blood clots risk, or make you bleed a lot in case of an injury. Spider veins are the ones that are considered cosmetic and may not affect your health significantly.

Spider veins and varicose veins are the same things

Far from it, spider veins are red or purple and are much smaller than varicose veins. On the other hand, varicose veins are blue and lead to a bulge wherever the vein is experiencing damage, typically in the legs. Also, spider veins might go away without treatment, but varicose veins need to be treated at some point if they are to go away.

If your family members have varicose veins, you are likely to have them too

Just because your parents or grandparents had varicose veins does not mean the same thing will happen to you. Varicose veins tend to affect only a few people in the family, and you do not have to be one of them.

Only women get varicose veins.

While women are more likely to get varicose veins, it does not mean men are an exemption. Anyone can get them, and some studies have shown that the risk is almost equal in both men and women. The possibility of varicose veins is inherited, so family history is the leading cause and not gender as many people may believe.

If you have varicose veins, it will help if you equipped yourself with the facts and sought the right action course. You do not have to suffer since, with the right specialist, you get access to the latest state-of-the-art treatment options to optimize your vein health and say goodbye to vein-related issues.