How To Fix a Broken Fence Post in Under 30 Minutes

Fences are great for privacy and they also help when it comes to windy days. But there are times when your fence needs a little attention. Sometimes sections of your fence lean because of the wind. Other times it’s because your fence post is rotting and it is not doing the job of supporting your fence like it did before. You may think that in order to get this fixed you’ll have to replace the entire fence. Not true. In most cases, the only thing that needs to be replaced is the fence post. And that can be done in a manner that is quick. So quick that it can be done in under 30 minutes. And if you need emergency home fencing repair, then this article is for you.

If you have a fence post for your wooden fence that’s in half-way decent shape, then there is some really good news. Instead of having to go out and get a brand new fence post, you can invest into a fence post mender. A fence post mender will fix your fence post by strengthening it and you don’t have to worry about digging a hole with a post hole digger. The fix for your fence will literally take minutes, not hours. And, the best part is you don’t have to remove the fence post from the ground. Where it is is where it’ll get fixed. You’ve just saved a bunch of time and energy.

If you don’t have a wooden fence then chances are you have a vinyl fence. Vinyl fences are also great for privacy and wind issues, but even they are subject to needing repair. One of the common problems with vinyl fences is sometimes ice can cover fence posts in brutal winter conditions and cause the post to be pulled from the ground. That can lead to some serious damage.

You can always fill a hole with cement to make sure the post doesn’t get pulled out again, and you can dig new holes or make the holes you have now deeper to combat this problem. But, if you prefer to get this problem fixed the first time and do it in under 30 minutes, then emergency home fencing repair for you just became simpler.

What is inside these posts that can pose a problem for you? The answer to that is wood. If you find the wood inside these posts have a lot of rot to them, then replacing the post is the best option. But, if there is little rot, then the fence can be mended using Fence Daddy’s post mender. If you don’t need to spend a bunch of money repairing posts and spending a lot of your time, then this repair is for you.

There are those times when the post to your wooden fence is completely rotted off. That would normally be a discouraging situation. Not anymore. You can use fence post anchors to solve the problem. If you can remove the rotted material that was once the post, and remove it from the concrete it was once embedded in, you can fix it. You can use the anchors to stabilize a new fence post, and it won’t rot in cement again. But, heck carefully. The fence post could be just a little worn and rotted, and, in this case, the fence post mender will work perfectly.

Whenever you see your fence leaning or you see your posts to your fence not doing their job, you need repair. Get some emergency home fencing repair done in under 30 minutes.