Software engineering services and custom solutions enable the proper and efficient execution of services. The systems undergo numerous advancements and development occasionally to improve their performance and achieve a higher level of efficiency. Connemara builds applications that include exchanges, trading platforms, trading user interfaces, risk systems, data aggregators, order management systems, and more. Additionally, the experts provide post-delivery support and systems integration for all their custom applications. The professionals consider the adverse nature of their clients, which entails leading global exchanges, banks, new marketplaces, brokerages, hedge funds, trading firms, and more. For the efficient operations of the client services and procedures, the professionals provide:
Exchange platforms
Exchange platforms are electronic trading platforms that enable traders to do business. The expert company provides an EP3 advanced exchange platform and matching engine technology representing accumulated knowledge and delivery implementations since 2008. The EP3 has been expertly designed to provide all the functionality and services to launch an exchange, such as matching, instrument, order manager, RFQ and auction, trades, participants, and risk services. Each service plays an integral part in the successful execution of the entire process; for example, the matching service provides the central limit order book, which matches buyers and sellers through a price-time priority. Additionally, the EP3 has APIS that further enhances its functionality such as trading, fixing the order, fixing market data, administration, authentication, and rest API. The system has made significant milestones in its effectiveness due to its resilience, scalability, performance, deployment infrastructure, asset agnostic, and customization features.
Matching engines
The exchange matching engine is the central part of every exchange since the whole process can’t happen effectively without it. The engines organize all the orders for a trade asset and manage the buyer and seller interaction by matching the charges to their matching algorithm. The professional provides low latency, highly available, and high throughput matching engine in their EP3 foundation services. Some of the things the engine can support include price/time priority matching algorithms and custom matching algorithms which include bilateral matching. Well-documented APIs for order routing and market data access get provided to the matching engines by the EP3 Foundation Service. The APIs are handy and support several programming languages such as C++, Java, Go, Objective-C, Ruby, Android Java, Python, Dart, C#, and PHP.
Custom applications
Connemara provides a wide range of software solutions, connectivity applications, and a host of other custom solutions. The company’s years of experience and domain knowledge of liquidity, trading, and markets enable it to aid asset classes quickly. They have realized success in some areas, including foreign exchange, futures, fixed income, energy derivatives, carbon futures, and more. The success has been achieved through the various solutions provided, such as matching engines, trading and hedging platforms, execution and order management systems, user interfaces, risk management tools, data aggregators, and exchange connectivity. The experts work closely with clients to develop methodologies, use appropriate and effective technologies, deploy cloud providers, use open sources and commercials to ensure client satisfaction.