Approximately twenty to twenty percent of adults have varicose veins, which are twisted and bulging blood vessels that usually appear due to their proximity to the skin surface. For this reason, vein specialists generally provide various treatment options to help reduce your varicose veins and treat associated symptoms. That is why qualified specialists like Dr. Carol A. White offer the best services to alleviate varicose veins symptoms.
What are varicose veins?
Varicose veins and bulged blood vessels are mainly found underneath the skin of your limbs. They usually appear to have a twisted shape and are red, blue, or purple. Even though varicose veins typically do not cause any symptoms beyond their appearance, you might experience burning, tingling, itching, cramping, leg pain, fatigue, throbbing, heaviness, restless leg, swollen legs, soreness, or night cramps. Similarly, one can also experience skin discoloration around the varicose veins. Therefore, one might seek treatment for their varicose veins depending on how they look or due to the pain or irritation they might be causing. The role care team’s find a way to minimize your varicose veins and their associated symptoms.
What causes varicose veins?
Typically, your leg veins work hard to go against gravity and pump blood upwards after supplying oxygen to your feet. Therefore, to carry out the function effectively, each one of them contains a set of valves that open and close to prevent backflow downwards. But with time, the overhead valves become faulty and weaken, thus not functioning as they should. As a result, the blood starts filling in your lower limbs. Therefore as blood pulls, it causes your veins to bulge and expand. In most cases, they become varicose veins.
Similarly, your chances of having varicose veins may be because of factors like menopause, pregnancy, aging, genetic factors, obesity, and excessive standing or sitting. In addition, women are also at a greater risk of having this condition compared to men. Hence, the doctor identifies factors leading to your varicose veins and offers appropriate treatment to prevent them from worsening.
How to reduce or remove varicose veins?
Even though treating varicose veins is not usually necessary, treating them might help reduce your chances of developing complications like venous ulcers or improve your body image. Some of the treatment options that your doctor may recommend:
- Venaseal closure system
The venaseal closure system involves the placement of a special catheter in your varicose veins. The medical adhesive seals your vein walls together, thus improving circulation by diminishing your varicose veins. Still, it is a procedure that reduces venous insufficiency since the body restores its healthy circulation by sending pooled blood via other veins in your legs.
- Sclerotherapy
It is an effective procedure on small veins because it uses a chemical solution to constrict the vein.
- Closurefast procedure
Closurefast procedure involves the use of radiofrequency ablation, which uses genital heat to seal your vein walls together. The vein then turns into a scar that gets absorbed over time; it diminishes your varicose veins, and your circulation is improved.
Suppose you have varicose veins, call or visit Dr. White’s vein Center and Morgantown SculpSure & clear ink PLLC today.