Many people may have looked at their spectacle prescription and wondered what all those numbers mean. Eye doctor Austin explains the meaning of the various symbols associated with numbers on the lens box. If they look, they’ll see the letters SPH above the lens’s prescription box, SPH is short for the word sphere. The number in that box tells them whether they’re long-sighted or short-sighted, and to what degree. If there’s a plus in that box before the number that tells them that they’re long-sighted, or hyper nootropic, they find things more difficult when they’re close to them. The number might be minimal, like .25, which tells them that they’ve a minimum amount of long-sided or it could be quite a large number like 6.00, which would mean that they’re quite long-sighted. If there’s a minus before the number, that tells them that they’re short-sighted or myopic. That means that they find it more challenging to see things far away when they’re not wearing their glasses. The letters C is short for cylinder that tells he prescribed people about the stigmatism in their eyes.
If there’s no number in the box, it means that they have no astigmatism at all, and their eyes are perfectly spherical, like a football. If there’s a number in the lenses box, it tells them that their eyes are more oval, like a rugby ball. If it’s a very small number, like .25, that tells them that their eyes are nearly round, but not quite, if there’s a high number like a 3 or 4, that would tell them that their eyes are quite oval. Whether there’s a plus or a minus in this box, doesn’t matter. It doesn’t tell them about the amount of astigmatism, and it just says to them what form the optician has tested their eyes and. In that box, people wearing glasses see another number with the word axis above it. The axis is information that is most important to the lab who makes the glasses for people because that number tells them at what angle in the frame a lens has to be positioned. So, whether that number is very high or very low, doesn’t relate to the strength of the sick person’s eyes.
It’s just really important. For the glazing of people’s spectacle lens, if a person is over the age of 45, he or she may have a number that says OD. Over the age of 45, people tend to become presbyopia, which means they find it challenging to read small print. The number in here tells the lab how much extra strength they need to have in their glasses to allow them to read the small print, and a low wad would be around about a plus one. As they get older, that number gets more robust and adds up to a plus of 2.5 or a plus 3.0. They’ll see other boxes called prism and base. These boxes aren’t used as often. The prism is a unique lens used for people whose eyes don’t work well as many of these people sometimes get double vision or headaches and incorporate prism into their glasses. Eye doctor Austin can help them see singly and more comfortably. The base tells the lab which direction the prism has to be put in that pair of glasses. If people still find it difficult to read the prescriptions, they should contact their eye physician for further assistance.