The type of surgery in which an internal part of the body propels through a weak part in the surrounding muscle or fascia is known as a hernia.
Discectomy or by cutting and sticking we cure it. Mostly hernia will occur in two areas of the body, either neck or abdomen, and the basis of which there are different types of hernia such as femoral hernia, umbilical hernia, sportsman’s hernia, and inguinal hernia among which the indirect inguinal hernia is the most common.
Look out for a Gillet hernia surgery specialist to understand all the pros and cons, the cost, and other minor details about the procedure,
There are three common types of surgery such as robotic surgery, Laparoscopic and open hernia surgery.
The procedure of the surgery:
Before the actual surgery, the surgeon will take a physical examination and laboratory test to check the patient’s Electrocardiogram and blood test.
Before the surgery
The doctor goes to the patient and asks him some questions regarding the patient’s mental health, is the patient facing any sort of nervousness or is the patient ready for the surgery and calm.
On the day of surgery
Anesthesia:- the anesthetists will prepare the optimal dosage of medication for making the patient unconscious for the time until the surgery gets over, either giving the patient medication locally or generally.
Types of Surgery
- Open Surgery: The surgeon will make a small cut near the area where there is a bulge and return the bulge to normal by pushing upward into the body. This type of hernia may happen again if the surgeon has not stitched the slit to the hernia then returned.
- Laparoscopic surgery: a tiny incision is made around the hernia through which medical tools can insert inside the body, and the Laparoscope will pass through the umbilical region to project the proper place on the screen Tools are then used to cure the hernia in the same way as to open surgery.
- Robotic surgery: This is a new technique in which the surgeon is seated on the computer and controls the whole surgery by getting a 3D abdomen model to work correctly.
Side effects:
- Infection: During the surgery, due to the carelessness of the medical staff, the patient catches up with the infection through the unsterilized surgical instruments.
- The problem of returning hernia: If the surgeon didn’t tie up the knot properly after making an incision, after some time, the knot becomes loose, and the internal organ will move back downwards.
- Bleeding internally: It could cause swelling and blue discoloration near the surrounding area of the skin.
- Difficulty in urination: Hyperstimulation of detrusor muscle obstructs the neck and bladder of the urinary bladder.