Clear Braces Explained: All You Need To Know

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Clear braces which are also known as invisible or transparent braces have become the first choice of many individuals out there. Even most orthodontists go with this treatment for people who are skeptical about braces. Here in this guide, we will learn a lot about Brooklyn clear braces, so that you will make wise decisions.

What are Clear Braces?

Clear braces are not something different, their approach is the same as the traditional braces, the only difference is they are not noticeable. Clear braces are made in the same way as metal braces, with the exception that the components used are clear. The brackets are composed of porcelain rather than metal and are colored to fit the color of the teeth. Elastic used in these braces are of transparent color and the archwire used is white, so they are barely noticeable. However, the elastics will need to change from time to time during orthodontic appointments as they can become yellowish over time.

Clear braces are not restricted to treating misaligned or crooked teeth, they are good options for treating crossbites, underbites, and overbites.

Types of Clear Braces

There are various types of clear braces available, let’s cast light on them.

  • The very first type is sapphire brackets which are made from synthetic sapphire and are barely noticeable.
  • The second type on our list is porcelain and ceramic brackets which have opaque color. These brackets are durable, resistant, and very discrete.
  • The third type is zirconium brackets which are white in color.
  • Then comes the resin brackets which are made from polycarbonate-based plastic and resin.
  • Lastly, we have lingual brackets which are metallic braces but since they are placed behind the teeth, they aren’t visible.

The orthodontist will perform a number of screening procedures on the initial visit in order to gain a thorough knowledge of each patient’s mouth.

Benefits of Clear Braces

The major advantage of transparent teeth braces is that they are nearly imperceptible to others, preserving the natural beauty of the smile while restoring tooth alignment. Due to the obvious materials used, they are cutting-edge. The sapphire material, for instance, is much more durable as well as provides better mouth hygiene.

However, there are some things you might need to consider before taking clear braces such as durability and material. Always go with the material that lasts for longer as these braces are quite expensive.

Hemant Kumar

Hemant Kumar is a project manager at Tridindia with more than nine years of commendable experience in writing about LMS, translation, and IT. His unmatched talent and passion for digital marketing gave him the opportunity to work as a multi-tasking project manager at TridIndia’s sister company, Link Building Corp. Today, he contributes to the world by imparting knowledge on SEO, link building and internet marketing etc., that helps business owners grow their online business.