Back Surgery Options to Relieve you from Unrelenting Pain

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  • Back Surgery Options to Relieve you from Unrelenting Pain

Roswell back surgery is steadily gaining popularity, with patients looking for long-term solutions to alleviate the pressure on their spinal canals. Whether radiating or non-radiating, back pain will make it impossible for you to lead a normal life. Unfortunately, not every back pain will resolve with prescription medication and therapy. For instance, nerve compression and musculoskeletal injuries might not relent unless your doctor suggests back surgery. Thanks to the wide range of procedures to alleviate your symptoms, your doctor will help you find an option that best addresses your unique situation.

When would your surgeon recommend back surgery?

Your doctor will suggest a surgical procedure when you have issues like:

  • Vertebral fractures resulting from injury to your spinal bones
  • Spinal stenosis, the narrowing of your spinal column, exerting pressure on your spinal cord or nerves
  • A herniated disc happens when one or several discs cushioning your vertebrae are affected
  • Spondylolisthesis occurs when your spinal bones slip out of their positions
  • Degenerative disk diseases that are likely to affect you as you age

What are the back surgery options you are likely to have?

  • Spinal laminectomy

Your surgeon will recommend the treatment when spine narrowing results from spinal stenosis, causing pain, numbness, and weakness. The medical professional eliminates bone spurs during the treatment, opening up your spinal column and easing the pressure on your nerves.

  • Discectomy

This treatment will be recommended to relieve the pressure exerted on the nerve root by a herniated disc.

  • Vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty

The two procedures treat compression structures resulting from osteoporosis. The treatment options prompt your healthcare provider to inject glue-like bone cement he will use to strengthen and harden your bones.

  • Foraminotomy

The process entails enlarging the hole where your nerve root exits your spinal canal to minimize the risk of bulging discs thickening with age from pressing on your nerve.

  • Nucleoplasty

The laser surgical procedure uses radiofrequency energy to address low back pain, mostly associated with a mild herniated disc. During the surgical treatment, your surgeon inserts a needle into the affected disc before inserting a plasma laser device into the needle. Your doctor then heats the tip of the needle to vaporize the tissue inside your disc to minimize its size, relieving pressure on your nerves.  

  • Spinal fusion

A spinal fusion entails removing a spinal disc between the vertebrae before fusing the adjacent vertebrae with metal devices or bone grafts and securing them with screws. However, the treatment may result in minimal flexibility in your spine and an extended downtime to allow the vertebrae to fuse and grow together.

  • Artificial disc replacement

Your healthcare provider may use the procedure to address your severely damaged disks as an alternative to spinal fusion. During the treatment, your surgeon removes the affected disc and replaces it with an artificial disc to help restore your vertebrae’s height and movement.

Back surgeries are risky because it is close to your nervous system. Besides having a successful procedure, you might need longer to recover.

Though a back surgery may not be necessary at times, the treatment is your only option. Consult your surgeon to discuss your options if you have radiating back pain preventing you from enjoying life.