When your doctor diagnoses you with severe illness, pain is the first thing you will worry about. Whether acute or chronic, pain can be disabling. Pain is likely to prevent you from enjoying your everyday activities. Fortunately, there are several pain treatment recommendations, some of which are beyond drugs. At NY FITPROS, the professionals use drug therapy and customized treatment plans to help resolve your painful symptoms so that you can live a comfortable and fulfilling life.
What Are the Non-drug Pain Management Options?
Your physician may incorporate various non-pharmacological options to relieve you from pain. Though some therapies function independently, others might prompt the healthcare provider to incorporate drug therapy to function effectively. Options you might find helpful include:
Massage Therapy
During the treatment, your doctor kneads, strokes, rubs, and taps your body’s soft tissues. Massages are effective in helping you relax and alleviate pain and stress.
Relaxation Therapy
Relaxation techniques may help minimize muscle stress and tension, control your pain, and lower your blood pressure. Your healthcare provider’s therapies may be used to relax and tense your body muscles, including gentle movements, guided imagery, breathing techniques, and biofeedback.
During biofeedback techniques, the physician uses electronic devices to analyze your body functions. Biofeedback alerts you of your body functions, teaching you how to control them. The therapy may also help you control pain.
The classic empiric body-healing technique works by stimulating your nerves using needles. There are various forms of acupuncture your doctor might use to relieve you from pain. Though the most common acupuncture type prompts your doctor to insert fine needles, other forms include electrical stimulation, heat, and pressure.
Acupuncturists base the treatment on the thought that energy (qi) flows throughout your body via paths (meridians) and the stimulations may help rebalance your qi.
Electrical Stimulations
As the name suggests, the treatment entails using an electric device to send gentle currents to our muscles or nerves. The treatment blocks and interrupts your pain signals, relieving you from pain. The various types of pain stimulations include:
- Spinal cord stimulations.
- Transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation.
- Implanted electric nerve stimulation.
Physical Therapy
Physical exercises help control pain, enhance your muscles’ condition, and restore strength. The various techniques your doctor may use to relieve or minimize your pain include heat and cold application, exercises, massage, and manipulation.
The mind and body technique entails focusing your attention on different things to minimize distractions and stressful thoughts.
Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR)
Your physician will require you to tighten and relax various muscle groups in progression to trigger relaxation and comfort. PMR is a safe and effective therapy the healthcare professional may use this therapy to address concerns like back pain, limb pain, and stress. Your doctor may recommend the treatment to minimize pain intensity and tenderize your masticatory muscles.
Your doctor will likely recommend a surgical procedure as a final resort to resolve chronic pain, especially if it results from severe musculoskeletal issues or severe back pain.
Medications are not the only way to relieve you from chronic pain. Sometimes your doctor may suggest non-drug options like acupuncture to help relax your muscles and relieve you from stress. Contact your doctor today to know how you can benefit from the therapies.